When I found out the Patriots were playing the Cowboys earlier this summer, it was my mission to make that Dos's first football game. He loves football, likes the patriots because he wants to be Tom Brady (their quarterback) and likes the cowboys because when in Texas, do as the Texans do (I guess). So with approval from the president (read: the wife) I was able to get 2 tickets. I'm not sure who was more excited to be going, but I think at the end of the day, I might have been a little more excited :)
So we got up at 4:30AM to start our 5 hour drive out to Dallas. (Love living in the middle of nowhere!) Dos did great on the ride, just watched the 2004 Boston Red Sox Championship DVD (did I tell you I love this kid) and then played his game boy. Before we knew it we were pulling up to the stadium. After about 20 minutes or so of trying to find the proper parking lot, we finally pulled into a spot, which happened to be the Patriot section or something! Patriot banners and flags and jerseys were everywhere, felt almost like we were in Massachusetts again (sniff sniff...I miss home).
We then began our official tailgating party. Tailgating with a 7 year consists of grilling up some hot dogs, having a bag of Cheeto's and of course a sprite! We threw the football around for about an hour, ate up our most awesome grilled meat from the back of my truck and sat around for a while and watched all the crazy fans. Around noon or so we made our way into the stadium. After walking around for a bit we went down to the Patriots sidelines in hopes of seeing some of the players and getting autographs.
2 hours later we went back to our seats, with no autographs :). I think Dos was kind of disappointed. In his little 7 year old mind I think he expected Tom Brady to come out, have a soda with us, maybe bring us out on the field and play catch, then afterwards we'd all go out to dinner and a movie :). But, as Dos said, he got a few things that were way better than an autograph. While hanging out behind the Patriots bench one of the trainers came up to Dos and gave him an authentic NFL wrist band (which hasn't left Dos's arm yet!!!). Then a little later one of the security guards came up and gave him a stack of printouts the team uses after each play, which show how the team lined up on that play. They all have coaches markings on them and Dos was in heaven with those.
Finally we made it to our seats and the game started and the Patriots just kicked "Dem Cowboys" butts!! It was great. By the 3rd quarter Dos was ready to leave, but he stuck it out until near the end of the game. We got in the truck, headed over to the hotel, goofed off a bit and the next morning we drove back home. It was one heck of a trip.
Here are some of the notes I took during the day:
- So we are in the parking lot. 5 hours of driving starting at 4:30am. We found a spot in patriot country here, its great. Surrounded by a whole bunch of patriot jerseys. Dos told me on the ride here that this is going to be one of the best days of his life! That's so awesome.
- Dos is in his glory, being called "Little Brady" over and over again by Patriots and Cowboys fans here in the parking lot as we throw the football around
- He just told me he "wouldn't sell our tickets even if the guy gave us 5,000 dollars!"
- At the hotel now and little man is asleep, even though 18 seconds ago he said he wasn't tired and wanted to watch the football game that's on :) Reflecting on today, and this has to go down as one of the best days of my life. This is what you dream about when you have a son. Spending a day bonding and just hanging out together. Whether its at a sporting event, fishing or whatever it is you like to do. I think he had a good day. He got a little bored and tired near the end of the game, but I think he'll remember us throwing the football in the parking lot and the man on the field giving him an official NFL wristband and play sheets and us wrestling back here at the hotel. Those are the real bonding times...that and belly bumping and high fiving when the patriots scored against Dallas (which was A LOT!)
What an awesome, fun way to spend my 31st birthday. I missed being with Wife and the other kids, but this was lifetime memory making fun today. I always wanted my dad to spend time with me, and while I hope Dos liked today, its more selfish for me to have spent the time with him.
God is Good...so is being a Dad.