Monday, June 11, 2007

Couldn't Stay Away...

Like a boomerang....I'm back.

I found myself thinking in terms of "that would be a great blog post" or "That's funny, I should post that". That and I have been "tagged" which I guess in the blogging world is like those goofy emails where you need to tell something about yourself and mail it everyone you know. The emails that irritate the junk out of everyone, yet everyone still reads them and does them (even if you don't email it out, you know you have thought about your answers to the questions in them....favorite ice cream, what's under your bed, chocolate or vanilla....)

So here, and I'm not proud to continue this tagging game along, but here are my 7 things you may not have known about me.

1. I used to have hair...and a lot of it. When I met Wife, I had a full head of hair and it was long enough to reach my chin.

2. Growing up, I had a dog named Buttons. Buttons was a mutt, but awesome. The last few years of her life, she had this weird fetish where she would rub her back on our coffee table and in the process removed all the hair from half way down her back to the end of tail.

3. In the 7th or 8th grade, I finally managed up the nerve to ask a girl out, in typical middle school fashion, via a long 3 page note, given to her by a friend. She promptly wrote me back a note which stated: "Randy, No. Janine". Not bad - 3 pages given for 3 words received.

4. I used to rush home from school so I could watch Santa Barbara. If you don't know who Eden and Cruz are, you are no friend of mine.

5. It was (and still kind of is) a dream of mine to be on Saturday Night Live. Up until about 3 years ago, I would practice writing stand up bits in hopes of someday having the nerve to do stand up comedy, just so I could be the next Dana Carvey or Mike Myers.

6. ESPN and the NFL Network aside - HGTV has quickly become my favorite channel on TV. I'm secure enough in my manhood to admit that...really I am.

7. When I was somewhere between 10 and 12, an eye doctor told me I needed glasses. I wanted nothing to do with them, so I asked them give me clear rimmed glasses, because I thought they would look invisible to people. They were the most gynormous and obvious things I have ever seen. I wore them for about 8 seconds and never wore them again. I also have pretty good eyes, so I think that doctor was a quack.

I guess this is where I "tag" someone else. Melissa....You Are It.
His lovingkindness is everlasting


Andy Corbett said...

Welcome back, you blogging fool.

HollyAnn said...

Yeeehaaaw! I am so glad you are back! I have missed your wit about things! Way to go Andy for "tagging" him back into the game! :)

Andy Corbett said...

Wow..people in Texas really do say "Yeeehaaaw"....can't wait to meet you in July, Hollyann!