Friday, January 11, 2008

Official Weigh In

Fridays will be my official weigh in day. This morning I am at 214, down 4 pounds from when I started last week. Not bad...mostly water weight. And FYI: This is why I want to lose weight...I don't want to be thrust into civil duty like this lady!!

Slow day here today, not too much going on. Tomorrow should be interesting. Uno is having her birthday party with friends, which means we will have a bunch of chatty girls in the house...oh pass the aspirin now! Not only will the older kids be loud and talking and being in the "zone"...we'll have 3 pre-schoolers acting as if they are 10 or 11 years old as well. Should be interesting.

Found a couple of really good websites recently and one really off the wall news story: - Cool site that has 1 great deal a day on random things.

GiveAwayoftheDay - Site that offers a free, licensed software each day - Breaks down all movies, lets you know what movies are really family friendly.

Lastly...did you see this story. It's a cheesy bad movie come to life...creepy yet kind of funny:

God is Good!

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