Found the most awesome house ever...right out of New England. We put an offer in and waited for a week for the owner get pricing on a new roof. (our contingency was it needed a new roof, not the old wood shingle roof it has). He took a week to find any estimates at all, and in the mean time got a better offer than ours. Can't say I blame him for taking the other offer: More money, Earlier closing and No contingencies. Felt like a kick in the stomach. I pouted and acted like a 3 year old for about 1/2 a day or so.
But we pulled up our big boy and big girl pants...accepted our God given time out...wiped our alligator tears and blew our nose...and are praying over the next few houses we are going to see. We don't really want to move so much, we love our house and pool. But, if we can find that perfect house with a yard for the kids to play in (all 7 of them)...then that will be a little more comfortable.
What I love about my new life in Christ as I grow more in my walk with Him...things like losing a house to a higher bid, isn't as important as it once would have been. Like I said I pouted and got upset, but it went away pretty quickly when I had my quiet time with Him. He has full control of everything else in our lives and He has our better interest in mind. I think it's OK to be upset about silly things as long as it doesn't consume your life. (That's not backed by anything biblical, just my opinion..which could be totally wrong...I like to try and justify myself!)
So if moving is what He wants from us...we'll be moving.
The adoption stuff is still going without too many issues...Thank You Jesus! We are at the mercy now of the Liberian and US governments. For an adoption timeline of events, check out Emily's blog.
Red Sox opening day is right around the corner. In a couple of weeks, I'll be able to see them play in person for the first time in 2 years. I'll be in Dallas to see them play the Rangers...Like a little boy I'm excited out of my skin. Seriously, after God and my beautiful wife and kids...I absolutely LOVE the Red Sox. They were/are always there, year in and year out. They were my refuge when I had nothing else in life growing up. (Does that sound absolutely pathetic after I read it back? Actually yes it did...but it's how I really feel, so oh well!)
As Always: God Is Good!!!
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