Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Can You Stop the Power of...


I defy you to look at these pictures, and NOT yawn. It can't be done! (And if you do succeed, you need to tell me, so I can call you the dirty liar you are!) Why the heck is that? I did some research and no one really has a good theory as to why we yawn when we see others yawning. It always made me giggle when I took the train to work, you'd see it like, well like a train of people yawning. One starts and it would go on for like 10 or 15 people.


We had the home study last night, another step in the process of bringing another baby home. I'll be honest, I despise that part of the process. The entire growing up story has to come out and regardless if I'm 30 or 130 it'll still suck having to talk about my youth. God's awesome in how he used all the junk to mold me into who I am, but there are still feelings in there about my family.

But really who doesn't have something from childhood of their family that they don't cringe about. I guess it comes down to the fact that every generation has a chance to break the cycle of family junkness. This isn't to say you won't start a new cycle of something odd or bizarre. I just mean, for me personally its a chance to raise children without the influence of drugs/alcohol/pornography/verbal or physical abuse. God's so cool to give me the opportunity to right my families wrongs, while still giving me room to make my own mistakes as a parent.

Well this episode of Dr. Phil has been brought to you by Cyber Depends....for those who have diarrhea of the blog

FYI: I have decided, if I ever change my name, it's totally going to be "Awesome". I just want to introduce myself: "Hi, I'm Awesome"

God is Good!

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