Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Liberia - Thoughts Part 3

Dec 2 -- day 3 -- Monrovia
It's morning and man what bad night sleep :) I ended up sleeping on my pillow as a bed. The floor is stinking hard. I was up every 30-45 minutes. The people here don't sleep. You would here people up walking around and more bizarrely...sweeping. Everything is dirt here, yet they are sweeping. And the smell in certain areas is really horrible. I guess we are going to go get some breakfast shortly.
Father I just wanted to thank you for this opportunity. I'm sitting here watching the people live their lives, and I feel so grateful for this time here. I always try to keep in mind how grateful we are in our lives but being here makes it real. Father you are the lord of all and I love you father.
So we just finished eating breakfast at a restaurant and they had free wireless here so I emailed Wife and the kids. I miss them. Karen just stopped by and said she met the mom of the twins. She isn't sure how to respond to it and she broke down and cried a bit. I can totally understand the feeling, but I think it may be blessing too.
At the medical clinic and the church right now and there was some sort of miscommunication. Pastor Wesley thought we had come to finish off the medical clinic. This included purchasing all the supplies and paying for all the labor for the workers. Mike had to talk with him and tell him we didn't come prepared to purchase a 6000 dollar generator and all the cabinets and wiring. We ended up praying for a bit and right now we have cleaned out the clinic (it was a mess) and Mike is hanging some lights. We have agreed to pay for the wiring supplies and when Pastor Wesley comes back we will finish the wiring of the clinic.
I am standing here holding a ladder while one of the workers cleans the fans and I can hear this screaming and carrying on outside. I look out the window and I see a mom washing her 5 or 6 year old son. He is screaming because she is cleaning him. Too funny. It happens all over the world. They bathe their kids outside with a bucket and towel
I'm taking a quick break. We are right now scrubbing the cement floor of the church with cloths and cut up burlap bags. The girls and Ryan went over to the orphanage (40 minute drive away) and they came back pretty sad. They said it was very primitive. An outdoor kitchen and toilet. The workers I guess they seemed to love the kids, but they were also desperate for the supplies we brought. Pastor Wesley said they would be brought over on monday. We will all go over there at some point this week...I look forward to it, but I also dread it. I guess there are not enough mattresses for the kids. Not enough of anything. I do hope to see it all soon. Back to scrubbing floors
Random observation: we are standing around the church with rooster crowing and chickens running all around.
So right now we are sitting outside pastor Wesley’s house (which is an old internet cafe turned into a home). Kelly is making balloon animals for the kids. It started out with about 7 or 8 kids and now kids are pouring in from the street. There is probably 15-20 kids surrounding him. It’s amazing. It is dark out yet these kids knew something was going on. Amazing.
So I just took a "shower" which consisted of fast dripping water from a shower head and a bucket of water. It was cooler water so that felt good, but I still feel very damp. The travel a bit bigger than a dish towel, and didn't dry me at all.

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