Sunday, January 28, 2007

Tow Mater Award

Mystery weekend is over. Mystery weekend is a weekend for the youth at our church, where they spend the weekend with a group of kids from the same grade, in homes of leaders who pour into their lives. Lots of activities, music/worship and teachings are done through out the weekend. We helped out this year. Wife made some large dinner rolls and cupcakes. I helped out with "security" and setting up rooms.
Anyway, one of the main themes of the weekend was "who are you" and "what is your identity"? Great teachings...Are you identified by your beauty, popularity, job...or are you identified by your relationship with Jesus? Great stuff.

I of course, found myself thinking about my identity. What I did come up with is, I am definitely NOT a person who identifies himself based on the prototypical "manly" traits. Dos had his boy scout, pinewood derby on Saturday. This is where the boys build cars out of pine, that weighs no more than 5 ounces, and they race them. Dos and I built a car (by build I mean we bought a kit and put it together). We went up and at weigh in time his car was 6.8 ounces. So we took the weight we had on it off, which brought it down to 4.8 ounces. Not bad we thought.

Fast forward to race time. A 4 lane race track, each kid races once on each lane and their average time/speed is calculated and used to determine the winners. Dos's group was the first group. And they're off....only Dos's car didn't even make it to the finish line!!! All the other cars averaged about 160 miles per hour. Literally, it's all computerized and that's the speed that came up for them. Except Dos's....99 MPH. ugh! One of the guys running the race, asked if I had put any graphite on his wheels?

It was at this point I realized, if I were to sit down right now, and take two tests. Test A being the MAN test and test B being the WOMAN test...I'd pass the woman test with flying colors. I do know you need to grease the pan when making a cake, or the colors of your shoes should match your belt. I don't know how to wire a house for surround sound or that you put stinking graphite on a race car. Isn't graphite in a stinking pencil. Good grief.

Moral of the story #1: Dos got a large trophy, called the Tow Mater award (from cars the movie) for having the SLOWEST car of all 60 or so cars that raced. He was so excited. :) All he cared about was the size of the trophy...sure winning would have gotten him a large trophy, but so did coming in dead last. He asked me to help him build the slowest car again next year!!!

Moral of the story #2: How do you identify yourself? All the things you may identify yourself as, a mom, a dad, husband, doctor, popular, pastor, cop, smart, pretty...they all are things that will fail you. Every single one of them. Once you are living your life for Jesus, that's what identifies you, or should identify you. I know for me, God hasn't blessed me as manly man, or a crafty guy, or mechanically inclined. He has blessed me with the gift of being a donkey, He has blessed me with an amazing family and friends, He has blessed me with a steady job.

I get caught up in being the funny guy, a dad, a friend, a developer...and it's time for me to be radical and break through my "identity crisis" and be identified as a Christian. God's blessed me with all of those things as tools to glorify Him, not glorify myself.

How about people look at you or hear you speak and know you are serving the lord with all you do? Do you use those gifts He has given you, for His greater glory?

Oh and remember....when building a pine car racer...put graphite on the axles. Even I could have told you that! I've known that for like 36 hours now. Very manly!

God is Good!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Can You Stop the Power of...


I defy you to look at these pictures, and NOT yawn. It can't be done! (And if you do succeed, you need to tell me, so I can call you the dirty liar you are!) Why the heck is that? I did some research and no one really has a good theory as to why we yawn when we see others yawning. It always made me giggle when I took the train to work, you'd see it like, well like a train of people yawning. One starts and it would go on for like 10 or 15 people.


We had the home study last night, another step in the process of bringing another baby home. I'll be honest, I despise that part of the process. The entire growing up story has to come out and regardless if I'm 30 or 130 it'll still suck having to talk about my youth. God's awesome in how he used all the junk to mold me into who I am, but there are still feelings in there about my family.

But really who doesn't have something from childhood of their family that they don't cringe about. I guess it comes down to the fact that every generation has a chance to break the cycle of family junkness. This isn't to say you won't start a new cycle of something odd or bizarre. I just mean, for me personally its a chance to raise children without the influence of drugs/alcohol/pornography/verbal or physical abuse. God's so cool to give me the opportunity to right my families wrongs, while still giving me room to make my own mistakes as a parent.

Well this episode of Dr. Phil has been brought to you by Cyber Depends....for those who have diarrhea of the blog

FYI: I have decided, if I ever change my name, it's totally going to be "Awesome". I just want to introduce myself: "Hi, I'm Awesome"

God is Good!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

1 Down...How Many More to Go???

So as many already know, and for those who don't know...Augustus, as of right now, will not be coming into our family. As seasoned veterans of the game of adoption, it should not have come as a surprise, which it didn't. BUT surprised or not, the sting is still there. I pray for him and whatever family he has that will be apart of his life.

That all being said, I got to thinking and reading and praying. In doing so my favorite story in the bible "popped" into my head, so I turned to it and read it again. The Prodigal Son has so many great things to it, yet for me right now, it was a perfect call for me to be excited and ready. For those who don't know the story or want to read it again, it's here:;&version=49;

Reading through it, it doesn't pertain exactly to not bringing home another child. But it did make me think about how excited and happy God is when we return to Him after turning our backs on him. In the same way the father in the Prodigal son parable is looking for his son to return (20But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion for him, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.), I too will be ready to run to my new son and embrace him and make him an official part of our family.

This story goes on to talk about how the father has the fattened calf killed to eat. I can't promise I'll be busting out the old calf killing...maybe I can make him some grilled cheese or something :)

God is Good people...even when it feels like life is blah...He is Still Good...I'd even go as far to say...He's Perfect. (bold I know...but that's what I am...a risk taker)

God is Good!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

It's a Trifecta!

Just a quick post...Uno is having her sleep over. Too many snacks mixed with staying up too late equals...yep, honka-honka-chunk-chunk....again.

Christmas, New Years and birthday. Great part is...we have a full 12 months to wait for this all to happen again!

For those who don't get Randy-speak...Uno threw up again tonight. Just like Christmas and just like New Years.

Nothing could ever warm my heart more...then cleaning warm semi-processed food off the floor.

Friday, January 12, 2007

I'm Baaaack

The mission trip is officially over. Mike arrived last night at 9:30. At exactly 10:23 I began the process of turning from a beast to man again. (I use the term "man" very loosely). We took some pictures to show the before and after looks.

Mike - I love you man and can't wait to go on another trip with you...but I am NOT waiting to shave again!!!



(I felt like I was putting together a cheesy infomercial :) )

God is Good!!!!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Well That Was FAST!!!

So as a quick follow up to my last know listening to God...bringing another baby home...all that jazz. Yea God is pretty darn fast. Wednesday Night at around 4pm or so, Wife got a call from Pastor Wesley. Long story short - We are starting the process on a little guy!! 2 year old Augustus was dropped off at Pastor Wesleys house and his mom relinquished the rights to him. So God gave me about 20 hours or so to digest the fact that we are adopting again.

I think at times, God forgets that I like to make the jokes...I don't like it when he makes the jokes!! Sweet Gracious.

God is Good!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What's Your Story

"If you cannot stand up and share how you came into a relationship with our Lord, then your Christianity should be questioned!"

God spoke this one truth straight to my heart one night as we were in Romania talking to our friend Doru. He has been doing God's work for almost 20 years now in the Romanian orphanages, children's homes and prisons. Doru appreciated the willingness we had as a team to share Jesus with the children, through skit, bible teaching and personal testimonies. I had been so nervous that whole trip to get up in front of a large group of people, in a foreign country, to share "my" story of salvation. (is it really my story...or just another chapter in the book of Life Jesus has already written?). I prayed over that statement Doru made and it put my heart at ease, knowing it's part of my job as a Christian to share Jesus with the world. For me, a HUGE part of that is my life and story of salvation.

I still get a little shaky inside when asked to share my testimony with people. But I also look forward to sharing my story with anyone who wants to hear it. God used so many different things in my life to bring me to Him. Who am I to judge how moving my little story is or how big of an impactful it can make? He will use my story as needed. He will use your story as well.

We watched "How I Met Your Mother" last night. It's a typical show of the world, about boozing it up, sexing it up and just living for "me". (see "crier" post). Last nights episode was all about each character telling their stories. These stories were about when they lost their virginity. They were so eager and willing to share their stories of teenage, premarital sex. Am I one to judge on that subject? I don't think so. It just struck my so ironic that the world, the world that Christians are to be the salt and light to, is so willing to talk about THEIR feelings, THEIR experiences, THEIR ambitions.

How willing are we to share how God has changed our lives? Do we find it easy to talk about OUR feelings, OUR experiences, OUR ambitions which the Lord has blessed us, transformed us and guides us with?

Something that is so easily overlooked: The great Paul, writer of all those little books at the end of the bible, He was a Christian killer. He was hand picked and transformed by Jesus, just like we are and Saul took HIS testimony and used that to spread the Word of God, just like we are to do.

So...for the record...I never intended this Blog space to be all preachy and whatever. These are the thoughts that have been coming to mind lately. I will at some point get some more humor on here or sports or something...I think :)

God is Good!

Monday, January 8, 2007

Video of Our New Daughters

Galatians 4:4-5 - But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, burn under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.

I've talked about my thoughts about adoption and how it is a living picture of our relationship with God, through the sacrifice of Jesus. I found the above bit of scripture while having some quiet time this week. These few verses again, solidified in me, that we have nothing if Jesus did not come and die for our sins. We are adopted into His kingdom through the sacrifice He made for us.

We have been thinking about adoption, again. Anyone who knows me, knows I drop my head, I roll my eyes, I groan and I sigh whenever Wife talks about adoption. But I can't deny the fact that, through Wife's heart for children and her desire to have a large family, God has opened my heart to more kids. I am beyond amazed by how God can change a mans heart, but I can attest he has changed mine.

That being said, we'll be updating the home study, filing the paper work and praying over babies and situations. I have absolutely no idea how in the world we will pay for it, find room for him or her, have room in our vehicle to transport the family. I just know it feels right and if adopting is meant to be, Our savior will figure all that out and let me know about it when the time is right. To me it sounds like such a christian cliche, but I feel like we are taking a huge leap of faith. All I know is He is telling my heart, don't let him or her spend another night alone.

He's opened my eyes to the happiness a family brings to all of it's members. He's also shown me the loneliness and sadness of being alone. He's shown me this in my personal life, but more so through my time at Recas Orphanage in Romania and the Greater Love Children's Home in Liberia. God has blessed me with decent money, shelter, an amazing wife and family, eternal salvation and a fire to spread his word and love to all who will listen. How can I turn my back on a little one, when I have the means to open my heart to him or her.

None of this sounds like anything I have ever said. :) And no, I'm not drunk.
God is Good!

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Shut Your Crier

Shut Your Crier. That's what I say to my kids when they are in one of those nonstop crying fits. Usually they are crying about something silly or something that happened hours ago. Parents know, kids will cry about some of the most silly things...usually when they are tired or hungry.

Got to thinking about me...I figure everyone else is, why shouldn't I. But then I remember God commands me to focus my eyes, thoughts and actions on him. It's amazing to me how self centered we are as a human race. Look everywhere and it's about "me". Look at the top 100 songs right now...most are about how you can please me, satisfy me, help me, love me, use me, abuse me me. Magazines, movies,'s everywhere, all about me.

It's pretty sad that I sit down to watch a football game with my son and I have to monitor the commercials. TV shows about sleeping with as many women as possible, beer ads making alcohol seem so cool, viagra and cialis, Victoria secret. Sweet Gracious...I just want to watch the game.

Even as Christians we focus on "me" when we cry out to the Lord. God help me with this, Lord bless us, Lord use me, Father open my mind. What makes us any different than the world, if our faith is based on what God can do for us? God wants to hear our desires and needs, but he also desires us to shout out to him our praises and worship.

He promises to provide all we need. He who provides seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. (2nd Corinthians 9:10). Lets rest in the fact the God is our provider...Lets stop focusing on us and start focusing on Him.

None of this is said to remove the fact that God tells us to bring everything to him in prayer. I just wonder how much that we bring to Him, is brought as a heartfelt cry to Him and how much is asked as if he were our magic eight ball.

A Birth, A Death, A Resurrection. That's all that needs to be said. How selfish am I for asking for more than that?
"Shut your crier"...Yes lord, I will.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Random Happenings...

  • You ever feel pulled in different directions...but no one is really pulling? I'm at that point the last few days. Family, Church, Missions, Career...good grief. My life is dedicated to my family, but if God's will were to allow me to go on every trip available, I would...and but that isn't a reality. Or is it God?
  • Broccoli: Great FOR me....Horrendous for those AROUND me.
  • Football Playoffs start this weekend. New England and New Orleans is my Super Bowl prediction. Whats yours?
  • The annual Girl Scout cookie sales have started. Wife is responsible for ordering all the cookies that the girls in Alex's troop sells. That's chaotic but fun. Especially the extra boxes of cookies!!!
  • Have you ever stopped and really considered the spiritual battle that is happening around us? It's real people, it's pretty scary and it's not going away until Jesus returns. (this may be a blog topic of its own someday)
  • The countdown is on for me to shave. I have been growing my hair, in support of my missionary brother Mike. He went to Liberia with us and then went on to Uganda and Sudan. He hasn't shaved the whole time he has been gone and to support him, I've done the same. I haven't had hair on my head for about 4 or 5 years. I also have never had a beard before. He arrives home on Thursday at about 9:30 or so. At approx. 11PM that night I will be clean shaven again. Sweet unhairy bliss.
  • Will I be making another video of my kids soon? Yes.
  • Will I be making another video montage soon, this time from the Romania trip? Ah, yea...duh.
  • Taking down the outside Christmas lights this weekend. Christmas is officially over...sad. But I encourage you to keep that "holiday" feeling all year long. We don't need a holiday to celebrate Jesus people...really we don't.

Thats all I got for on the look out for more ramblings and videos.

God is Good!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Bathroom Humor

Or is it? I have some issues with the way people use public restrooms.

Fact: It is not acceptable to "forget" to wash your hands

Fact: If you are going to talk on your cell phone while using the restroom, be prepared for me to be as noisy and obnoxious as possible. There may be moaning, banging, grunting, laughing, chirping...I'll mix it up as I see fit. I'll also be sure to give you a few courtesy flushes. I just want to be sure that the person on the other end of the phone, knows you think so much of them. Their call was so important that no bodily function was going to stop you from taking their call. I'm sure they feel so special.

Fact: If the toilet is too dirty for your bottom that you insist on lining the toilet with 4 trees worth of toilet paper, please remove it when you are done. If the throne is too nasty for your royal hynie...I'm not so sure why you think leaving the "seat cover" for the next guy is proper etiquette.

Fact: It's not cool to talk to anyone in the bathroom. If you walk in at the same time as someone, stop talking and resume your business after you have finished your business. This goes for stops at the urinal for sure, but even more so for those who think its ok to talk while in the sitting position.

Sure this isn't probably the most popular subject or politically correct. But I consider this my public service announcement. You're Welcome!