Saturday, September 8, 2007

And We're Off....

4:30 AM....not fun. But neither was 2AM, 2:15AM, get the point...I was up a lot last night...I'm ready to go.

Spent last night with Ryan and his awesome parents. It was fun sitting around, eating pizza and laughing together. It's easy to see where Ryan gets his incredible spirit and love.

OK I'm off to go give my kiddos some last minute hugs and kisses. Oh and wipe away the tears Dos has running down his face!

God is AMAZING!!!


Unknown said...

Sorry I missed ya at the airport:(
But know you are in my prayers as God starts you guys on this journey for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Love yall

HollyAnn said...

Just talked to Emily and know that you have the children! I am so impressed that you are there with those three kiddos alone! Keep rocking that baby! :) Praying for good sleep for you guys tonight!

Give Obi a hug for me!