Saturday, September 1, 2007

Ryan and Randy's Excellent Adventure

Ya dude....Down to like one gnarly week....AIR GUITAR!!!!

Been a month since I blogged here....and now it'll be like a flood of info. Ryan and I are leaving in exactly 1 week. Visa's, Passports, Malarone....all are in and ready. One big suitcase is packed, another is partly packed. It seems like we've been waiting forever to finally go and now the date is 1 week away!!!

I am so blessed ot have an incredible friend in Ryan to share this experience with me. He is a champ and a half and has his head on straight with the Lord. I can't wait to spend this time with him. I'm nervous to see how Cinco, Seite, and Tres respond to us, but I feel good knowing Ryan absolutely loves kids and kids love him immediately. So even if they are freaked out by me, I know they'll respond really good to him.

On the home front, we are pretty much prepared. Just finished putting the crib up. Installed the car seats earlier this week...(Have been asking God to forgive me for the swears...stupid things...). Going to help Wife build up a stand up thing for Seite to play/sit/stand in. Still need to get a couple of dressers. Lots of clothes have been donated/bought. I think it's safe to say...we are ready! not sure we will feel ready those first few days, but we are ready. God has prepared us and given us all we need for this next stage of life.

I find myself doubting a little, how ready I am to travel around the world with 3 little ones I don't know yet. It's going to be pretty interesting trying to understand who these 3 little humans are, get them to trust who I am, feed them at the right times, bathroom breaks with a 6 year old girl, going through customs, trying not to sleep on the plane with them with me, being the person in charge, taking all the pictures and notes to document the whole thing properly, hand out the gifts for the next adoptive families. It's official....I need a list!!

As the date to leave gets closer I'll be posting more up here. While on the trip, I should have internet access, so I will be posting up pictures and thoughts for that day. Please keep track of our trip and and comments would be great. It's great to hear and feel the encouragement.

God is truly Amazing!

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