Sunday, September 23, 2007


Quatro, Cinco and Seis...coloring...or are they really plotting against us?!?!?!?

Triplets of Terror aka T.O.T's...this is my new name for Quatro, Cinco and Seis. Named in love of course. We went from twins of sorts with Quatro and Seis to now triplets of sorts with Cinco added to the mix. They are funny and cool and just short goofballs. I also think they get together and plot against us...the plot nothing but 3 and 4 year old evil :). Lots of noise, toy banging, fighting over toys, fighting over mom and dad's attention. It's too funny watching them try to be sneaky in the things they say and do, yet be so obvious in their plots. It should be quite interesting to see how these 3 will grow and take on the world, hopefully together and not against each other.

Life has been like one big blur for the last 2 weeks. Since I got home it feels like everyday has blended into the next. Yet it feels like I've been home for ever. I think people take for granted how hard it is going to Africa and back. Missions trips are tough when you get back, dealing with what you saw, heard and experienced. BUT, this trip was 10 times harder than the trip I went on in November. I brought Liberia back with me! It's never quiet or calm in this house now :) I think it's fun and great, but it makes the time to debrief and get your wits back so much harder. I'm not saying this in a whoa is me kind of way, just being honest with whats going on inside.

Tomorrow (Monday) starts the beginning of "real" life for us. I will be back at work for my normal time and the kids will be off to school. I am praying that new routines start to take shape and people in this house understand their rolls, whats expected and not expected of them and the overall "Ways of the "

It's funny to me how easily these kids have adapted. There have been times of struggles, and thats been expected and understandable. But for the most part, Siete, Cinco and especially Tres have been doing remarkably well. Tres acts as if she's been an American her whole life. Lounging on the couch in the morning, listening to Wife and My conversations (just like her big sister) and helping set and clear the table after dinner. Cinco has had the most hard time, in my opinion. He has been very tired, very whiny at times but still gets right in there with the kids and the toys. He's the most extreme kid I've ever met...the over dramatic sadness, over dramatic happiness, the over dramatic food explosions...the over dramatic bathroom explosions :). And Siete, just like in Africa, he's the coolest dude in the house. Feed him, change him and let him be. He loves playing with the forbidden toys...Cinco's trucks...or the remote control...he's really a dare devil :)

Jsut as I was about to post this, we just had a visitor at our house...nearly our entire COM group from church. (COM group is a home group). They brought over about 15 bags of groceries!!!! Sweet gravy that's awesome. WE won't be purchasing rice until Siete graduate college!!! What an incredible blessing. Thank You guys so much if any of you are reading this. It is such an incredible showing of love and we thank you oh so much.

Till later...God is Good!

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